Abdoulaye attends the Applied Organoid Core Workshop on Generation and Applications of Neural Organoids in Toronto

Congratulations to Abdoulaye who was selected to attend the Applied Organoid Core Workshop on Generation and Applications of Neural Organoids in Toronto. He received a full travel bursary from the Stem Cell Network!

See the course description: “aims to provide knowledge dissemination of principles and best practices that will guide workshop applicants in their research pursuits to unravel complex biological questions using organoid-based systems as tools. Participants will engage in an intensive and comprehensive four-day session that combines lectures from experts on the broad applications of organoids in discovery research with hands-on experience in the maintenance and propagation of hPSCs in culture, and the generation of neural organoids from stem cells.”

These valuable skills will be applied to projects across the lab!

Dr. Galen Wright
Dr. Galen Wright
Assistant Professor | Canada Research Chair in Neurogenomics

Assistant professor and Canada Research Chair in Neurogenomics.